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Showing posts from May, 2013

Non-HHS SBIR funding for LifeSci/MedTech Companies

While HHS/NIH is a key source of SBIR funding for LifeSci/MedTech companies, it is not the only source. I came to appreciate this while perusing the company profiles of Texas-based SBIR award recipients on (see my previous post ). I discovered that 25 of the 85 Texas-based companies that were awarded HHS-sponsored SBIR grants between 2008 and 2012 (approx. 29%) obtained additional SBIR awards from other federal agencies as well. These companies are listed below.  Take-home message:  LifeSci/MedTech companies seeking to apply for SBIR funding should look at  solicitations  from non-HHS agencies as well.  - Isamu Hartman, PhD

Finding the Innovators, Part II: What the Healthcare-Related SBIR Awardees in Texas are Working On

[Click here to download  (in .xlsx format)  the raw data presented in this post.  -IH] In my initial post dealing with Texas-based recipients of HHS-sponsored  SBIR grants*, I concentrated on the amount of funding that individual companies, as well as individual cities, were capturing through this federal grant mechanism. This time, I wanted to gain an understanding of the types of companies within the Texas biomedical industry that were being funded by the SBIR program. In order to do this, I read the abstracts of individual HHS-funded SBIR projects being pursued by each company and then manually assigned each company to one of six categories**: 1) Small Molecules/Biologicals, 2) Molecular Diagnostics, 3) Medical Devices - Diagnostic, 4) Medical Devices - Therapeutic, 5) Computation/Software, and 6) Other/Multiple Categories. As with my previous post, I looked at grants awarded between 2008 and 2012. The spreadsheet below (scrollable) lists each company, its...